Overseas customers ,please check here.
When you place an order from outside Japan, please advise us by e-mail of your name, address, postcode and telephone
number in English together with the product(s) and quantity you would like to order. Payment is required to be made by
PayPal. You will receive our invoice for your order from PayPal stating "LAFITA sent you a money request." and "Note from
LA FITA”. On receipt of payment, we will immediately send you the product(s) by EMS.
La FIT+a Brand Story
Overseas Schedule 2025
2025.2.2 Istanbul (Türkiye)
2025.2.4〜2.6 Turin (Italy)
2025.2.8〜2.11 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
2025.2.12〜2.13 Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
2025.3.29〜3.30 Seoul (South Korea)
Please email us for inquiries.
FIAT × La FIT+a Licensed product
Smile Cap for Fiat500
shift knob for Fiat500
La FIT+a Reverse Lockout Shift Knob(5MT)
La FIT+a Reverse Lockout Shift Knob(6MT)